
Ratchet and clank wiki crystal
Ratchet and clank wiki crystal

ratchet and clank wiki crystal

I repeat: Ratchet & Clank's issues may not presently be for want of bum jokes. While rewatching this video prior to final upload, it occurred to me that "rift apart" might be intended as a sort of pseudo- spoonerism for "ripped a fart", which would be a bum joke, and if that was intentional, I hereby retract the preceding complaint about the subtitle not being a bum joke. I'm trying to think of ways the title " Rift Apart" could apply to bums, but all the possibilities make me feel uncomfortable. Incidentally, speaking of bums, whatever happened to the tradition of Ratchet & Clank games having slightly risque subtitles, like " Going Commando" or " Up Your Arsenal", in the grand DreamWorks movies, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, "stealth joke for the mums and dads" tradition? S'pose we're above that kind of cheeky fun these days, aren't we, Sony? Probably got nicked by someone in marketing whose only experience with comedy is having had it patiently explained to them at a mandatory seminar. is that the smell of distended rectum, or has this franchise gone completely up itself?" Always an occupational hazard when a series goes on too long, runs out of new territory to explore, and instead decides to settle down and curl up inside its own bum, but what an excellent setting of tone for the latest one, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.


You may recall my first and only experience with Ratchet & Clank was playing that one on the PS4 that was tying in with the movie, and which made me go, "Hmmm. This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee reviews Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.

Ratchet and clank wiki crystal